Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Time!

With Christmas being a few days away.  I thought what not a better thing to write about then...CHRISTMAS! But that got me thinking, everybody writes about Christmas this time of year.  Do I really want to be like everybody else?

   Well...I'm here aren't I? But I'm not going to be sharing what you might be thinking.  I'm going to share some of the meanings behind different holiday things.  Along with a few other things to help us all remember the real meaning of Christmas.

   First, lets talk about the Christmas tree.  What are ways we can see our Christmas trees in our living rooms and think of Jesus? Well...for one, Christmas trees are evergreens which last all year round.  The same as God's love for us lasts forever.  Number two, the Christmas tree is in a triangle shape.  That could help us remember the trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit).

   Now what about all the stuff you put on a Christmas tree? well...the lights could help us remember that Jesus is the light of the world. The Ornaments, could mean a lot of things depending of the shape and color of it.  So that one I'll let you figure out.  Now for the Star at the top of the tree. The star can help us remember the star the wise men and Shepherds followed to find baby Jesus.

   You don't have a star on top.  Maybe a angel? Don't worry that can have an meaning to.  The angel can mean a bunch of things. It could be the angel that told Mary and Joseph about Jesus, Gabriel. Or it could be the angels that talked to the Shepherds.
   Now the candy cane.  Well...think of its shape holding it normally it looks like a cane.  Well...the shepherds used 'canes' when they were in the fields. But if you turn the candy cane upside down it turns into the letter 'J'.  Which stands for Jesus.

   Now on to the colors of the candy cane.  Red stands for the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross.  And the white stands for the purity of Jesus.  So those are a few ways you can remember The birth of Jesus when looking at a candy cane.
   Next, Presents.  A way to tie the Christmas story to presents, is to remember the Wise Men.  They gave three gifts to baby Jesus.  Those three gifts were Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  Now we might not give those kind of gifts anymore, but we can still remember the gifts the Wise Men gave Jesus.

     Each of the three gifts can relate to something now too. Gold is something of value.  So the gifts that you really want. So with those gifts remember the gift of Gold. Next is Frankincense.  Frankincense is a essential oil used for offerings. symbol of the divine name, and an emblem of prayer.  So those thought though gifts that you put time and effort into can remind you of Frankincense.

   Myrrh was present at Jesus' death. In Mark he described the Roman soldiers mixed Myrrh with wine to give Jesus when he was on the cross. The disciples also used Myrrh when wrapping Jesus in the tomb. Myrrh is a sign of Worship.  So all of the gifts that can be a sign of Worship can help us remember the gift of Myrrh.

   We can also remember the gift God gave us.  His son, Jesus.  God didn't have to give His son to us to die on the cross for us all.  But He did. He did it so we could be together. Because God wants to be close to all of us.

   So this holiday season when you see a Christmas tree, candy cane, or a present.  Remember the Christmas story.

   Merry Christmas!

   Till next time
    LiveTheTruth :)




Friday, December 16, 2016

Naps Aren't Just for Kids


   Before I start I just want to say, I got this idea from my pastor.  And some of the things I said came from him.  I'm not going to say which words he said.  But know that the idea came from him.

    Now I'm sure most of us don't take naps anymore.  But a good nights sleep could help you in so many ways.  Now think about it, most people go to bed around 11 or 12 at night and they have to wake up the next morning around 5 or 6 for school or work.  So when you think about it you are only getting about 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night.  Try getting around 10 to 12 hours of sleep and see what difference it makes when you wake up the next morning.

   Now you're probably thinking what does sleeping longer have to do with the Bible? Well... lets read something from the Bible. 

 Genesis 2:2-3 (NIV) By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
   So you see, even God rested.  He didn't have to but I think there is a reason why he did.  If you read the 10 commandments you will see something else God says about rest.

Exodus 20:8-11 (NIV) “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 
   God tells us to have a day of rest.  But something I think is really important is God created the day of rest the day after Adam and Eve where created.  So Adam and Eve where starting there life resting.  That is was we should do also.

   We shouldn't wait to rest until we have time to, or all of our work is done.  We should start with rest.  that's why a good nights sleep every night could be a big change in our lives.  We could get the energy we need. But we also have to follow the 10 commandments and have a day of rest.  Now most people think that the seventh day is Sunday and that is the day of rest.

   But that is not entirely true.  Your day of rest could be Saturday.  Cause if you are like me you might be at the church most of the day teaching in Sunday school, preaching, leading worship, greeting people, showing new people around, the list could go on and on. And even though you like doing it and it makes you happy it's not really resting.

   So Saturday might work better for you, if that was you.  Now a day of rest does not mean stay in bed all day or watch TV all day.  Go for a walk  outside enjoying God's creation, read your Bible outside, Have a game night with your family.  Really just enjoy what God has given you with out having to do work.

   Till next time
    LiveTheTruth :)